ETL Mobility Cluster makes available to its members and to its public sector partners, through ETLBIZ Market Research business tool, market development analysis for certain products and concepts.
The documents include in-depth analysis of strategies and technologies adopted internationally, designed to increase the quality of transport services offered by public authorities and public or private transport operators.
ETL Business Plus analysts put under scrutiny the financing solutions (grants and commercial) for capital investments and operations.
ETLBIZ Market Research Series provides one analysis per month, with broad coverage of the main areas of activity in the interlinked areas of urban and territorial planning; freight transport and passenger transport by road, rail or other infrastructure.
Frequency: 10 monthly topics (except January and August); annual update of the content.
Format: A4, full-colour, printed.
Circulation: land and urban planning professionals; transport planners and authorities; members of ETL Mobility Cluster