ETL Mobility Cluster stands by the Association Metropolitan Mobility (AMM) in its actions to educate urban and metropolitan mobility market. The Sustainable Mobility Academy (AMD) is the platform for interactive education and communication between stakeholders in metropolitan transport area.
Conferences and debates are hosted by the most prestigious Romanian university centers in order to provide an interactive communication tool with urban planners and transport planning professionals across the country.
Each center hosts a regional meeting providing the opportunity to access development strategies of a plethora of Romanian cities and to contribute to market education and opening. The Sustainable Mobility Academia works in collaboration with leading universities in Romania and pursue a holistic approach to the concept of mobility (from planning to infrastructure and vehicles, from marketing and transport economy sociology and law, etc.).
Format: regional and national conferences conducted in the official language Romanian
Structure of participants: about 100 representatives of local and central public institutions in Romania, transport operators, technology vendors, students (Master and PhD Candidates)